Evie suddenly stared really intently at that picture. She started talking to her other self and reached out to the computer screen. Then, when the picture didn't talk back or even look at her, she got upset and began fussing. So, just to see what would happen, I turned on this older video of her, in which she looks at the camera and smiles and laughs.
She watched that video of herself and broke into a huge grin when her video self smiled at her. Evie laughed at the computer screen until the video was ended. Then, she smiled at Todd and me, until out of nowhere her smile melted in one second flat. Her whole face crumpled and she started crying for no reason at all. I faced her towards Todd and, between one cry and the next, she brightened up and beamed at her daddy. Then, a moment later, she was crying again. Poor little girl was so tired that she had no idea what she was feeling. She flitted from one emotion to the next so fast that she even confused herself. Meanwhile, as we put her to bed, Todd and I were laughing about our little bipolar baby, whose feelings are bigger than she is!
I have to admit, this is my favorite picture of her so far, as well as my favorite video. I love how, at about 26 seconds, it sounds like she's saying "Hi!" back to me. She does that all the time, and I'm thrilled that I finally caught it on camera! I love my sweet pretty little girl, and she brings such joy to my heart.