Besides getting taller, everything about Evie is getting rounder too. Her eyes are always wide open, like they've been since the day she was born. Since she's always smiley now, her cheekies are rosy and round. Her nose is still a cute little button. Her chins (all three of them) are getting nice and chubby. All of these things together make her head a cute little round sphere. Her arms, from her shoulders to her elbows to her wrists, are all filling out, causing dimples in her plump flesh. Her legs have dimples too, on her thighs and knees, and her heels and toes are soft, round, and pink. Evie's pooh-koo is a perfectly round little ball, with her belly button poking out in a tiny little ball of its own. Her booty is cute and round too, especially when she's wearing a diaper, and helps balance the weight of her head.
A couple of nights ago, I was holding Evie's little round self against my chest so that she would get drowsy and go to sleep. Todd was sitting next to me on the couch, talking. Suddenly, Evie looked at him over her shoulder until he smiled at her. Then she grinned hugely, stuffed her fists in her mouth, and buried her face in my neck. Then she did it all again, and again. Silly little baby was flirting with Daddy and getting bashful. We thought it was really cute, seeing that little round face light up and then whip around to hide in Mommy's neck. The next morning, she was especially happy to see us, and her smiles turned her face into a perfect little circle made up of even smaller circles. Evie is such a cute little round baby, so much fun to hug and kiss and snuggle!
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