Friday, July 20, 2012

The Best Two Years

Next week, on July 25th, Todd and I will celebrate our third wedding anniversary. We've had such a wonderful time together so far, and I'm really excited to spend the rest of eternity with him. However, I think most of our best experiences have happened within the past two years. Tomorrow will mark the second anniversary of the day that we found out we were expecting Evie, and the thought sort of blows my mind. It's interesting for me to realize that in the space of two very short years, so much has happened to change my life:
  • We've quit 3 jobs
  • We've started 3 other jobs
  • Todd graduated from BYU
  • We've moved 3 times
  • We had 3 hospital admittances
  • I went through 2 entire pregnancies
  • I went through 2 births
Not everything during the past two years has been happy, including Evie and my dad both getting very sick, and our family having to move in with extended family. But, for the most part, the past two years have been the best of my life, and we have so much to show for them. Todd has a Master's degree from BYU, he now has a great job, and we have two beautiful and healthy little girls. Except for their daddy, those girls are the greatest blessing in my life, and they have changed me for the better. Because of them, I'm a kinder, warmer, more loving, more patient, and more motivated person. All in just under two years.
I don't know what the next year holds for us. I do know that it does not contain another baby; we're going to wait at least a year before getting pregnant again so that I have time to fully heal and adjust to having two little ones under the age of two. I'm also sure that whatever does happen this coming year, it will hold many more blessings and happy memories for our family!

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