Friday, May 17, 2013

Sweet Secrets

Just recently, Evie has learned about secrets. She loves coming up to people, telling them she has a secret for them, and whispering in their ears. She comes up to me and says "Mommy, I want to tell you a secret in your ear." Then, when I bend down and brush my hair away from my ear, she leans in close and whispers "Pss, pss, pss! I love you! Pss, pss!" Then she leans back with a grin and waits for my reaction. Usually what I respond with is "Oh, that was such a fun secret! I loved it! Can I tell you a secret?" She eagerly nods and brushes her own hair away from her cute little ear and stretches up so her ear is as close to me as she can get it. Then I bend down and whisper to her "Pss, pss, pss! You're my sweetheart, Evie, and I love you so much! Pss, pss, pss!" Her answering smile could power the sun. She'll then say something like "Yes, Mommy! That was a good secret!" and bounce away.

She's also learned a fun new way to melt my heart. I guess she's learning to pay more attention to the movies that she watches now because she was on the potty one day after watching "Tangled" (which she calls "The Big Hair"), and told me to come talk to her. When I knelt down in front of her, she said "Mommy, I love you very much!" and I said "I love you too, Evie." She responded with "No, Mommy, say 'I love you more!'" So I chuckled and said "I love you more, baby" and she cheered out "I love you MOST!!" I followed up with "Oh yeah? Well, I love you most!" and she looked at me very earnestly and said "No, Mommy! You say 'I love you more,' and I say 'I love you most!'" There was no arguing with her, so I conceded. A part of me knows that it's a little silly that she's quoting a Disney movie, but the rest of me is so touched by her obvious sincerity. We go through this little discussion all the time now, and it never gets old!

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