We went to our doctor for a routine checkup yesterday. Our appointment was for 11:oo am, but it took 45 minutes before we were taken back to the doctor's office. When we finally got back there, they immediately took my blood pressure. For the first time in my entire life, my blood pressure was high, so the doctor is afraid I may be developing preeclampsia. Hello!? Of course my blood pressure was high; I was irritated at waiting 45 minutes to see my doctor for a scheduled appointment! However, they took a urine sample anyway and found traces of protein. So I had to take home a huge orange plastic container and collect all of my urine for 24 hours. Plus, I had to keep it refrigerated. Eww. Today, I turned it into the Health Center and had my blood drawn. Apparently 9 months of pregnancy will turn your veins soft, because I have a big bruise on my arm where he stuck me. I have to go back to the doctor's office on Thursday to see if everything is fine. If not, he said they might put me on bed rest, and he said we might also have to get the baby here sooner than expected. Oh darn. ;)
I don't think she's going to come late anyway, though. While we were there, the doctor checked my cervix (Ouch, by the way) to see if I've been progressing at all. I am dilated 2 centimeters and am 80% effaced with the baby at -1 station! I guess those contractions have been doing something after all. And even if I don't go into labor for a while yet, that's 2 less centimeters that I have to worry about dilating before the baby can get here. :D Another good bit of news: Evie is still head down and the doctor says that the pregnancy is at a point where Todd should be able to hear her heartbeat if he puts his ear to my belly. We gave it a try last night, and Todd says he thinks he heard it! That was fun, and I'm really not worried about having preeclampsia either. I've been super healthy this entire pregnancy, and I kind of doubt that everything is suddenly going to go to crap just 3 weeks before my due date. But, I'll keep this blog posted! :D
Hm. I thought preeclampsia is sort of out of the blue most times; it's the diabetes that is a lot more lifestyle driven. But hey! You are almost there so even if you do have it, no biggie, right?