Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Angels

Tonight, our family received a miracle. Todd and I had just put the girls to bed and were watching "It's a Wonderful Life" when the doorbell rang. A couple of minutes later, his parents called down to us and told us to come on upstairs. When we got there, we saw a huge box, full of wrapped presents, most of which were addressed to our girls! The side of the box held a sign that read "To the Todd Jacobs family: Merry Christmas!" We currently have the box tucked away upstairs so that the girls don't find it before tomorrow night. I was already excited for Christmas this year because we planned it so that we were going to be able to give our girls a better Christmas than last year, but now it will be even better!  I had so much joy in my heart that it started to leak out of my eyes. Someone out there loves us very much; enough to go out and spend lots of time and money picking out wonderful gifts for our family and then wrapping them up for us. If this kind act was yours, please know how much we appreciate your generosity! Thank you so much, our Christmas angels, and I hope, whoever and wherever you are, that you have a wonderfully Merry Christmas, too!

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