Todd and I thought that it would be fun to use a jungle theme for Evie's baby gear. That way, we can use the same gear for all of our babies, regardless of their genders. Fortunately for us, it just so happened that the same year we had Evie, a set of absolutely adorable fabric prints came out called Jungle Babies. My mom and my friend Lindsay both made several things for Evie out of this fabric, and I finally got a picture of Evie's jungle stuff all together:
Lindsay made Evie a diaper bag, car seat cover, and nursing cape, none of which are pictured. We used the diaper bag for the first three months of Evie's life, but it was getting too small for everything we needed to tote around, so we got this other cute jungle themed diaper bag from Walmart--it even has an adorable monkey embroidered on the front pocket! The car seat wouldn't fit in the picture, but it also has a cute monkey on it (remember
this post?) in addition to the car seat cover Lindsay made. Finally, since I've stopped nursing, I don't use the nursing cape anymore either, but I still appreciate her generosity and will be able to use it again with Baby #2. She also made Evie several burp cloths and a blanket, all with matching polka-dot fabric on the reverse side.
My mom made several sets of cradle and crib sheets, like those shown above. She also edged a blanket for Evie made of the same animal flannel that Lindsay used to make her blanket. The wall hanging is one of two matching quilts she bought and bound; the other one is Evie's tummy time quilt. My mom also scanned some of the fabric into her computer, printed it on paper, and covered a notebook with it. The notebook is titled "Evie's Journal" and I write letters to my baby in it. Evie's two favorite things so far both come from her Nonna, too: the length of fabric that is Evie's "fuzzy blankie," and the stuffed beany giraffe that is super cute and actually matches the fabric really well. Evie loves her fuzzy stuff!

We bought this three-pack of 9 oz. bottles for $3 from Walmart, and they each have a different jungle animal on them. We bought the smaller 5 oz. version of the elephant bottle in May when we accidentally left Evie's Breastflow bottle at a family member's house. It has a smaller nipple, but I actually like it better, so I asked Todd if we could get the three-pack, since Evie is eating more and more lately. She's up to 5 oz. at a time now, and will need even more before too long. We haven't used these bottles yet, but I'm excited to have them!
The set of pajamas came from a girl I met in a college class last year. In fact, she was the first person I'd met with this fabric print; her baby boy had the same fuzzy blanket, and I mentioned how cute it was and how we'd been planning on doing a jungle theme for Evie. She didn't know where her mom had found the fabric, but at the end of the semester, she gave me this adorable set of pajamas that her son had outgrown. Evie looks so cute while wearing them--our very own Jungle Baby!
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