Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cat Person-in-Training?

When Todd and I got married, we discussed the possibility of having pets one day. The trouble is, Todd really doesn't like dogs and thinks they're stupid. He's very much a cat person, and frequently tells stories about his favorite childhood cat, Nigel. I, on the other hand, was never much of a cat lover, except for when I was little and loved to play with kitties. Once I got older, I much preferred the mindless devotion of a dog to the god-complex of a cat--just because they were worshiped in Egypt thousands of years ago does NOT make them a superior life-form. I finally told Todd that if he would let me get a snake, I would let him get a cat and we would name them Mephistopheles and Maleficent respectively. That will probably never happen.

Since we've moved in with family, however, I've come to prefer their cat, Jonesy (from Alien), to their dog, a poodle named KC. Jonesy seems to think that our bedroom is actually his lair, and he's very eager for our affection. Well, the affection of me and Todd, that is. Today, just after noon, I was changing Evie's diaper (it occurs to me that so many things happen when Evie is getting her diaper changed. Oh well!) and the cat was perched just behind her head, begging Todd to pet him. She kept squirming, trying to get a good look at him, and once I had a clean diaper on her, I sat her up so she could touch the kitty. Evie was able to touch his soft fur and pet his face, just lighting up the whole time. She loved him! He was less impressed with her.

Finally, Jonesy turned his back on her and walked away. For the next hour, he hid on the floor at the foot of the bed so Evie couldn't find him. But as he walked to the edge of the bed and prepared to jump off, Evie tried really hard to roll onto her tummy so she could see where he went. Todd and I agreed that Jonesy will probably be the "catalyst" (hee hee!) for Evie's rolling over and starting to crawl, just so she can follow him everywhere.

I'm left to wonder, though, will Evie grow up to be a cat person like her Daddy? Or, like her Mommy, will she outgrow her fascination with the kitty's soft fur?

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