Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Budding Chocoholic

I mentioned yesterday that I'd gotten Todd some Dove's chocolates for Valentine's Day. They're still sitting in the basket I gave him, which we put on the floor next to my side of the bed. This morning, just like always, I got Evie out of bed, changed her diaper, and then went upstairs to make her some breakfast. I was only gone about 5 minutes. I came back downstairs to find her completely absorbed in some little task. I called her name, and she looked up at me with a strange mix of guilt and glee on her face. She had a chocolate in each hand, and proudly waved them at me, grinning the whole time. I smiled back, and then noticed that her smile looked a little strange. I probed her mouth, and found that she'd stuck a chocolate in her mouth and was sucking on it. When I tried to pry it out, she bit me! I finally wrestled it out of her mouth and found that she'd somehow punctured the foil on top and was sucking chocolate out through the hole. No wonder she fought me so hard! As soon as I got that chocolate out of her mouth, she promptly popped another one in. So of course I wrestled that one out of her mouth, chuckling at her guts for openly doing something she knew she wasn't supposed to, right in my face, just so she could get another taste of her Daddy's chocolate. At first I was a little concerned that she might have already swallowed one, foil and all, and thought about the damage that could do to her and panicked a little at the thought of another week-long hospital stay, but then I realized that based on how long it was taking her to suck out the one I'd caught her with and how chipmunky her cheeks looked with just one in her mouth, there was no way she'd had time to swallow an entire chocolate without me coming back downstairs to find a choking baby. I did end up moving the basket to the top of Todd's desk so Evie wouldn't be tempted anymore by shiny foil and sweet chocolate, but now she knows what she's missing and keeps trying to grab the basket. I thought Todd would enjoy the story, so I called him at work this afternoon and told him what had happened. He just laughed. My mom laughed too and said, "Dove's, huh? That's my girl; she's got good taste! Usually Dove's is too good for children, but we'll make an exception in this case." I have to confess, I'm secretly proud of my little girl for discovering the good things of life at such a young age. It's further proof that she belongs to me because she gets her love of chocolate from her Mommy! It'll help strengthen our bond as she gets older. Chocoholics: like mother, like daughter!

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