First, I would just like to apologize to anyone actually reading these posts that I did not immediately post news of the baby on Monday, like I hoped to. This week has been insane and isn't over yet. However, I am taking this time (which I should be using to study) to officially introduce our baby.
As I mentioned in my last post, Monday was our halfway ultrasound appointment. It was wonderful! We got to look at the baby's brain, stomach, heart, spine: the whole nine yards. Our baby is very healthy, developing right on schedule, and weighing in at a proud 13 oz. Then, at the very end, the sonographer asked if we wanted to know the baby's gender. Of course we did! It's only been killing me since the day I found out I was pregnant! Well, it took her 10-15 minutes, but she finally pried the baby's legs apart long enough for us to get a quick peek. And the verdict is (drum roll, please): our modest little darling is a little girl!
A GIRL!!! Her name is Evangeline Rae Jacobs, and she's already stolen our hearts. Even while still in Mommy's tummy, she's already forming her own personality and showing us how much fun she's going to be. While we were looking at her brain, she waved at me! She had her fists up next to her forehead the whole time, and was probably really trying to push the ultrasound wand away, but I'm firmly believing that she was waving to her mommy. I'm also pretty sure that little Evie is right-handed. Besides waving with her right hand, when we looked down her spine and then came back up to look at her brain again, she was keeping time by tapping on her head with her right hand. I told Todd, "Look! Our baby is right-handed! And probably musical too; look at that rhythmic tapping!" He said, "Don't do it, baby. It'll make you poor." But I told her, "No, it's ok, sweetheart. Heavenly Father's already given you a talent!"
She let her strong personality be shown in other ways, too. Apparently knowing that we were looking at her face, she let out a huge yawn. I'm sad that we didn't get to keep a picture of it; it was so cute!! But here's her little face:
Then, we followed her spine down and looked at her legs. She had them so tightly clenched, but in such a ladylike way, and had one ankle daintily draped over the other. Since we didn't know her gender then, I was thinking "I sure hope we're having a girl, because if not, we're having one ladylike little boy!" Anyway, this is a picture of her bottom foot; the one draped over it isn't visible.
We'd finally finished everything and we were eager to see if our little baby was a boy or a girl, but like I mentioned earlier, she was tightly clenching her thighs together and it took the sonographer 10-15 minutes to finally separate them. She tried gently tapping the baby's knees, then her head to make her just uncomfortable enough to squirm. Oh, she squirmed, all right, but kept her knees together the whole time. She's very flexible and also very stubborn. On one hand, I was proud of her modesty, but on the other I was starting to worry that I wouldn't be able to find out until she was born! And, of course, the suspense would kill me before then. I told my belly, "Come on, sweetie, let Mommy and Daddy see what you are! From the day you're born on, you're never to open your legs again, but we want to know right now!" So she finally opened them just enough for the sonographer to get a quick picture. However, I'm not posting that one because Todd and I are defending our daughter's honor. As Todd says, "She tried so hard to be modest! And I don't want pictures of my daughter's girly parts splashed all over the Internet!"
Then, as if that struggle hadn't worn her out, she refused to let us get a profile picture. She kept looking at the wand, and it took us another 5-7 minutes to finally get another quick picture. But it's all so worth it! Look at that cute little face!
She's already a healthy little girl with a strong personality. She'll probably be a handful, but I just laugh. I'm proud of having a girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it, and I'm tickled to death that I get to be a part of her life, and watch her little personality unfold as she grows. I'm so excited to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. In fact, I was so excited as we left the doctor's office, that I was bouncing all the way to the car. Todd, who's more reserved than I am anyway, walked calmly. I asked him, "Why aren't you excited?!?" He answered, "Jess, when am I ever as excited as you about anything?" "Good point. But we just found out that our baby's strong and healthy!" "I never had any concerns on that score." "Ok, fine. But at least now we know we're having a little girl! We can call her a 'her' and not an 'it!'" "That's true." Then, a few minutes later as we were driving down the road, I looked over to see him smiling. "What are you smiling at?" I asked. He said, "Oh, I was just thinking about my little girl, and how I'm going to tackle anyone who tries to take her." I thought he was talking about when she's a teenager and boys try to date her, but he tells me he was actually talking about when she's born and other people try to hold her. See? She's not even born yet, and she already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger! :D And we are so excited to welcome little Evie into our home and hearts, and get to know this precious little spirit.
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