Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pregnancy Menu

My sweetie has been down in St. George all day and doesn't get home until tomorrow afternoon, so that means I'm home alone all night with only the baby in my tummy for company. She's been very good at keeping Mommy company, though: turning lots of flips and somersaults and just generally making her presence known. With our powers combined, we've done a pretty good job of keeping my mind off of being alone all day, but now it's dinner time. Cooking only for myself, I've fallen back on the easy: grilled cheese sandwiches and a mug of hot cocoa.

It occurs to me that I've survived pretty much this entire pregnancy with three main staples in my diet: grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken Mcnuggets, and Froot Loops (Malt-O-Meal version). I know that it's not exactly the most nutritious diet of all time, but at least I have something from every food group, right? Grain-cereal, and bread from sandwiches; protein-chicken; dairy-cheese, and milk from cereal; fruit-hello, they're Froot Loops! Made with natural flavors, no less.

Sometimes I get a little worried that my baby is going to come out looking like a chicken nugget. But she seems to really like them! Even after eight months, when I get hungry I automatically want either chicken nuggets or a grilled cheese sandwich. I've had relatively few cravings, I guess. Besides what I've already mentioned, the main thing I've just been craving are fudgy brownies. I want an entire pan of hot fudgy brownies all to myself. But hey! Chocolate is a vegetable, right? :D

1 comment:

  1. haha, i just made brownies! I hear yah on the Mcnuggets. I ate a lot of those, and a lot of potatoes. she came out just fine, though her head still looks like a potato ;)
