Friday, February 25, 2011

The Promised Land

Wednesday was a breast day for us. We had a breastfeeding class at 3:10 for WIC, and then another one at 7:00 for my prenatal class. Needless to say, we got a lot of information twice. On top of that, I've been studying up on the topic for a while anyway so most of the classes' information was review for me. It did help cement it all in my mind, though, and help me prepare for the big day so I'm not completely overwhelmed when I try nursing the first time. Of course, all we've learned is theoretical so far because we can't actually practice until Evie makes her big debut.

In all of the breastfeeding classes, we got hammered over and over with information about colostrum, the pre-milk substance that the breast produces that is filled with nutrients and is referred to as "liquid gold" because of all of its benefits. It's been described to us as a thick and sticky yellowish-clear liquid and it's like "sucking honey through a straw" for babies to get it out. After 3 to 4 days postpartum, the actual milk comes in and mixes with the colostrum to fill out the baby's diet. Yesterday morning, while I was still dozing in bed, it occured to me that after a week postpartum, a mother's breasts are literally "flowing with milk and honey." This reference to the scriptural Promised Land made me smile to myself, and I've been feeling smugly witty ever since. :D

Actually, it also reminded me of a dream I had a couple of months ago. Todd and I had been looking at breastpumps online and there was one available for upwards of $1500! We were discussing why on earth anyone would spend that much for a breastpump. That night, I had a dream in which I was using that breastpump and getting fantastic results, even though I was only 6.5 months along at the time. Just out of curiosity, I tasted it and it tasted familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. When I woke up, I was telling Todd about it, and my brain suddenly clicked. I shouted, "Sweetened condensed milk! That's what I was pumping!!" So, apparently, if you use the Medela Symphony Plus breastpump, you will be able to pump sweetened condensed milk for your baby! That's why it costs so much! :D

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